Bottom I-Frame

When the SODA Administration and security system was being developed it was thought that having the ability to see a little window at the bottom of some of the forms in which information and help for that option could be displayed would be convenient.

This window, which can be seen at the bottom of many of the options in the SODA Administration and Security module is an "i-frame" which is a kind of a "window" in the page which can display another webpage.

The Bottom I-Frame maintenance option allows for the entry of the URL to call in the window initially when the page is loaded (the default), and which URL should be called when the "Help" link above the I-Frame window is clicked.

URLS may be specified for each module, meaning different pages may be displayed in this window depending upon which module's functions are being accessed.

By default, entries are set up only for Module 1, SODA Administration and Security, not for Module 6, Voters In Mind. The fuctions in the Voters In Mind section are not set up to display the little window, so such an entry is not currently needed. In future, it is expected to be used in the Voters In Mind module.

When a maintenance page that has the bottom I-Frame enabled is accessed, such as the Bottom I-Frame maintenance form itself, the URL from the Bottom I-Frame URLs for the default and help links are fetched and used to fill in the Bottom I-Frame Window.

Note that the URL is automatically suffixed with the current function. For example In this way, the target page can be programmed to display information specifically designed for the page currently being accessed. Currently there is no such specific information ready for any option but it will become available eventually.

Of course URL entered should be of a valid page which is designed to fit in such a small space, and it is recommended that it be as simple as possible...little to no java programming, or anything that could hamper the performance of your system, or the website being accessed within the window.

Module: A dropdown field where the desired module can be selected. The only available modules at this time are "1" SODA Administration and Security, and "6" Voters In Mind. Given that none of the Voters in Mind functions have this bottom I-Frame functionality enabled, making entries for it will have no effect.

Link Code: By default, links are set up for "Default" and "Help", the default page to be used at first whenever a page is displayed. Other entries for each module can be entered. which will automatically be added as a link on every I-Frame enabled page in the associated module. So, if desired in addition to Default and Help links, you could have "News", "Warnings", "Funny Joke" or anything. You should ensure any new link entered references an active web page. The link code will not be displayed and is just used to reference the entry, so it must not contain spaces.

Link Description: The text of the link that will be displayed above the I-Frame at the bottom of I-Frame enabled pages. Links will be displayed in alphabetical order.

Link URL: The URL that will be accessed when the link is clicked. As described above, "?go=" followed by the current page's function code will automatically be suffixed to the URL so that the target page may be programmed to provide specific information tailored to the current function.